Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Perspective in an interesting thing, it can have an incredible impact on our opinions and experiences, yet it is probably one of the most ignored concepts in our lives.  I was reminded of this with something my daughter has started doing.  She will ask for something to eat or drink and I will inform her we don't have any, and she in turn says "let's check daddy", not believing a word out of my mouth.  At first it was merely cute to go on a pantry hunt with the thrill of discovery, and then I really started thinking about her believing me and trusting that what I am telling her is accurate and useful.  It reminded me of my dad saying to me when I was growing up for years, if you would just listen to me it would be easier, and of course I did not and laboriously learned everything the hard way.  This rings true even as an adult as I try to change my perspective on life, where I am at, and where I am going.  There are so many people out there that have more experience and knowledge that I simply ignore, and I continually look at each situation from my present and limited knowledge.  My perspective has this limited capacity to solely rely on my past experience and my present perspective. We all have a past, present, and a future that comes no matter what, and most of us arrive there saying, if had only known this then. If in turn you look at things in life from others who have learned more, you can gain a little bit more knowledge and even get some future perspective that can save a lot of time and grief.  Use this example that most of know but do not internalize.  Most of us have heard about someone who has a terminal illness or has survived an illness and how they talk about how it has changed their perspective on life.  These people go through life with a renewed sense of purpose, putting importance on things that matter most in the long run, and generally do an about face on how they view life and simply seem to be happier.  So why is it that the rest of us cannot learn from this and change our view on life without going through such a painful experience? How much could we learn by simply listening to the older or more experienced people?  How much time would we save and be better prepared for what the future will place upon us? These are the people that could write a how to manual for daily life that would not be much different than all the self help and start your own business books. Not easy to do, but with practice it becomes easier, exceptionally helpful, and one of those good habits we all should strive to have in our lives, and it can free you up to enjoy the present just a little bit more.

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